Is Chaos Dmg Spell Dmg Wow

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Spell damage (or 'bonus damage') is extra damage added to spells. This is the primary way that casters increase their DPS at higher levels. On items, this is typically written either as 'increases damage and healing by up to X' or '+X spell damage and healing'. A useful feature of this spell is that it does Chaos Damage. The way Chaos Damage works is that it is a combination of every school of magic and physical damage. When hitting the target, the spell will deal damage as whichever school would cause the target to take the most damage. As the spell cannot crit, the only thing that matters for the demon form tank is fire resistance (should be capped at 365 after buffs) and as much health as possible. The actual damage you take from each unresisted blast is easy to compute: 0 debuffs - 100 damage; 1 debuffs - 1775 damage; 2 debuffs - 3450 damage; 3 debuffs - 5125 damage. Spell damage (or 'bonus damage') is extra damage added to spells. This is the primary way that casters increase their DPS at higher levels. On items, this is typically written either as 'increases damage and healing by up to X' or '+X spell damage and healing'.

Chaos refers to a type of magic wielded by warlocks and demon hunters. Chaos is a unique multi-school, combining all the seven schools of magic: Arcane, Fire, Frost, Holy, Nature, Shadow and even Physical. Multi-school abilities benefit from bonuses that affect any of their schools, use the lowest resistance value among their schools, ignore absorption and immunity effects that apply to only some of their schools, and can be used even when one or more of their schools have been locked with an interrupt effect.


Chaos' comprehensive nature guarantees that damage done will not be mitigated by any armor, resistances or school-specific effects the target might possess. However mitigation and immunity abilities that are not school-specific (such as [Ice Block] and [Divine Shield]) as well as damage-absorption shields provide by abilities like [Mastery: Blood Shield], [Mastery: Illuminated Healing] and [Power Word: Shield] will still absorb, mitigate or completely prevent damage from this school. Due to its comprehensive nature, it is impossible for players to be locked out of the Chaos school unless a Chaos spell itself is interrupted, in which case spells of all schools will be locked out.

  • 1Chaos spells

Chaos spells

Demon hunter

  • [Annihilation]
  • [Chaos Strike]
  • [Disrupt]
  • [Fel Lance] (honor talent)
  • [Fel Rush]
  • [Fury of the Illidari] (artifact ability)
  • [Mana Break] (honor talent)
  • [Mana Rift] (honor talent)

[Eye Beam], [Chaos Nova], [Fel Eruption] (talent), and [Fel Barrage] (talent) are not Chaos damage, but rather Chromatic damage (which is the combination of all schools but Physical and Holy).


  • [Demonbolt] (talent)
  • [Dimensional Rift] (artifact ability)
  • [Chaos Bolt]


  • In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Chaos was an attack type that did full damage to all armor types.

Patch changes

  • Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added, with the introduction of [Chaos Wave] and [Touch of Chaos].
  • Chaos
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Chaos spells focus on the art of direct damage primarily, and also as a secondary base, beneficial spells that harness the power of chaos creatures. Most of these spells have a basis on fire, direct damage, or melee combat. An example of each of these respectively: Inferno, Armageddon, Bloodlust.

Despite the emphasis on fire, not all of Chaos' spells are fire-based, including Armageddon, Lightning, and Meteor Shower, making the Fireguard class somewhat less effective. Haste is a useful spell for the slower half of the Chaos army, used to engage the enemy more quickly.

Chaos has an array of beneficial spells, the best being mass first strike, magic mirror, and cat reflexes. Cat reflexes and first strike cast on Hydras can make them as powerful as Black Dragons in melee combat, while magic mirror is a painful spell against a spellcasting Order army. Examples of weaker spells are magic arrow, mana flare, and sparks.

Physical Damage

Chaos' spell school is narrower than others, and relies on direct damage and blessings to become successful - confusion and misfortune being 2 spells that curse the enemy. These can be used to gain the early advantage in combat, especially the latter.

Level 1

Bloodlust - 2 mana
Combat - Blessing
Bloodlust causes the friendly target to do 25% more damage in melee combat for the duration of the battle.
The fury is like fire in my veins!! Die!
Fire Aura - 2 mana
Combat - Blessing
Power: 11 + 1 dmg/level + Pyromancy + Sorcery
Fire Aura causes the friendly target to do minor fire damage in addition to its normal melee combat damage.
Great in battle! Just don't walk too close to the drapes.
Haste - 2 mana
Combat - Blessing
Haste gives the friendly target plus 3 to their speed and plus 3 yards to their movement.
Strike before they know happened! If you can move farther and faster than your enemy, you have won half the battle.
Magic Arrow - 2 mana
Combat - Direct Damage
Damage: 33 + 3 dmg/level + Pyromancy + Sorcery
Magic Arrow casts a burst of magical energy that does damage to a single target within the line of sight of the caster.
Straight as an..well, an arrow! And a lot easier to hit your target than with a real bow.
Slayer - 2 mana
Combat - Blessing
Slayer causes the friendly target to do 50% more damage against 4th level creatures.
This is the secret behind all these silly knights who have slain dragons.
Sparks - 2 mana
Combat - Direct Damage
Damage: 22 + 2 dmg/level + Pyromancy + Sorcery
Sparks casts a spray of magical energy that does damage to anyone in the three spaces in front of the caster.
You wait, let them get right up to you. And then you make them pay for it!

Level 2

Confusion - 3 mana
Combat - Curse
Confusion causes an enemy target within the line of sight of the caster to lose its next action.
Catch someone trying to figure out if they want to hit you, or cast a spell, or defend themselves and bang! You got them.
Fire Bolt - 3 mana
Combat - Direct Damage
Damage: 55 + 5 dmg/level + Pyromancy + Sorcery
Fire Bolt is a powerful attack that does fire damage to a single target within the line of sight of the caster.
Set your enemies on fire, light a campfire, or roast a duck - it's an all purpose spell!
First Stike - 3 mana
Combat - Blessing
First Strike grants a friendly target the First Strike ability for the duration of the combat.
In any fight, getting the first hit usually assures that you'll get the last hit too.
Mana Flare - 3 mana
Combat - Blessing
Mana Flare reduces the spell costs for all heroes and creatures (friend and foe alike) by 2.
Who wants to worry about their mana? In battle, I'm busy throwing spells like mad, so I could always use a little boost.
Is Chaos Dmg Spell Dmg Wow
Misfortune - 3 mana
Combat - Curse
Misfortune gives a single enemy target maximum bad luck.
Yeah, you can use it in battle, but do you want to know where it's REALLY useful? The gambling table.
Spell Shackle - 3 mana
Combat - Curse
Spell Shackle causes the enemy spellcaster to take damage for every Spell Point they use during combat.
Negative reinforcement works! If it hurts, you're likely to stop casting spells.

Level 3

Bloodfrenzy - 5 mana
Combat - Blessing
Bloodfrenzy causes all friendly targets to do 25% more damage in melee combat.
Give me an army of wide-eyed maniacs any day! The killing just doesn't end until the frenzy fades, or everyone is dead.
Fire Ring - 5 mana
Combat - Direct Damage
Damage: 52 + 5 dmg/level + Pyromancy + Sorcery
Fire Ring creates a ring of flames around a target within the line of sight of the caster that causes fire damage to all targets within a 1 yard radius surrounding that target.
Lure them in, let them surround you. That's when they think you're weak. Boy, are they wrong!
Fireball - 5 mana
Combat - Direct Damage
Damage: 52 + 5 dmg/level + Pyromancy + Sorcery
Fireball causes a 3x3 yard explosion of flames a round a target within the line of sight of the caster, doing fire damage to all targets within its blast.
As far as I'm concerned, there is no other spell. This one has it all.
Lightning - 5 mana
Combat - Direct Damage
Damage: 92 + 8 dmg/level + Pyromancy + Sorcery
Lightning summons a powerful bolt of electricity that does damage to a single target within the line of sight of the caster.
Too bad every creature doesn't burn. In a perfect world, all you need is a fire spell. But just in case I keep this one ready to surprise them.
Magic Mirror - 5 mana
Combat - Blessing/Curse/Direct Damage
Magic Mirror reflects any hostile spell back against its caster at 1/2 strength. The hostile spell still affects its initial target.
Walk a mile in a man's shoes, even if those shoes are all that's left of him.
Mass Slayer - 5 mana
Combat - Blessing
Mass Slayer causes all friendly targets to do 50% more damage against 4th level creatures.
You simply need something to even out the odds. This is as good as anything.

Level 4

Cat Reflexes - 8 mana
Combat - Blessing
Cat Reflexes gives a friendly target one extra attack.
Hey, I just sit back here casting spells! Those minotaurs are out there kicking butt. Swinging that axe once is murder, but twice is nicer.
Cloud of Confusion - 8 mana
Combat - Curse
Cloud of Confusion causes all enemy targets within a 3x3 yard radius to lose their next action. The target must be within the line of sight of the caster.
This one sure came in handy when I had to escape from he city guard once.
Implosion - 8 mana
Combat - Direct Damage
Damage: 158 + 14 dmg/level + Pyromancy + Sorcery
Implosion is an extremely powerful magical attack directed at a single target within the line of sight of the caster.
I've seen the agony on the faces of my targets. The pain must be incredible. Glad it's not me!
Inferno - 8 mana
Combat - Direct Damage
Damage: 70 + 6 dmg/level + Pyromancy + Sorcery
Inferno causes fire damage to all targets within a 5x5 yard area. The initial target must be within the line of sight of the caster.
It has been known to get so hot inside an Inferno strike that it turns sand into glass!
Mass First Strike - 8 mana
Combat - Blessing
Mass First Strike gives all friendly targets the First Strike ability for the duration of the combat.
I've won battles where the enemy didn't get the chance to attack. Not once! And no, I'm not going to tell you how I did it.
Mass Misfortune - 8 mana
Combat - Curse
Mass Misfortune causes all enemy targets to suffer from maximum bad luck.
I make best use of this at gladiatorial events. Somehow, I am always able to pick the winners. Lucky, I guess.

Level 5

Armageddon - 12 mana
Combat - Direct Damage
Damage: 88 + 8 dmg/level + Sorcery
Armageddon summons a deadly magical storm that does damage to all targets on the Combat Map.
I know it's going to hurt, but winning is the important thing. And if my troops die, well, better them than me!

See Full List On

Chain Lightning - 12 mana
Combat - Direct Damage
Damage: 176 + 14 dmg/level + Sorcery
Chain Lightning does full damage to the first target it strikes, then strikes a second target for 1/2 damage, a third for 1/4 damage, a fourth for 1/8 damage and a fifth for 1/16 damage.
When your hair stands on end, you are already dead.

Magic Schools (lore)

Disintegrate - 12 mana
Combat - Direct Damage
Damage: 242 + 22 dmg/level + Sorcery
Disintegrate is an extremely powerful magical attack directed at a single target within the line of sight of the caster. Targets killed by the Disintegrate spell cannot be raised or resurrected until combat ends.
This is the final word. You are dead! You're not coming back. And I can do it again, so you better run.

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Thanks toLich (Guardian's Grove Admin, Heroes Community Moderator) for the images
and toThe_Hydra (Heroes 5 Content Admin, Heroes Community Moderator) for the overview, spells data and HTML processing.