Ffmpeg Gui For Mac Os Xfluidrenew

How to develop electron desktop program with Vue; A practical chrome tool: xtrace; Pyqt realizes file browsing; Springclub06 zuul API gateway; Maven central warehouse to submit jar package Guide. FFmpeg 2.8.17 'Feynman' 2.8.17 was released on 2020-07-07. It is the latest stable FFmpeg release from the 2.8 release branch, which was cut from master on 2015-09-05. Amongst lots of other changes, it includes all changes from ffmpeg-mt, libav master of 2015-08-28, libav 11 as of 2015-08-28. It includes the following library versions. Linux & Video Broadcasting Projects for $10 - $30. We need a linux shell script with a Gstreamer or ffmpeg application on linux server to do dynamic logo overlay and dynamic text ticker scroll and titles on LIVE VIDEO - and stream the output to an rtm. Avanti GUI is a free front-end for FFmpeg with the option to insert AviSynth as pre-processor. It offers user friendly control over all basic and advanced FFmpeg options. A number of template examples are included.

Graphically wrapper of ffmpeg usage command line arguments for users.


ffmpegGUI is a frontend to ffmpeg that allow you to set most importantconversion parameters. You can choose your preferred installed presetor make and save your own. You can batch convert multiple videos and havea log file in html format, if destination size ratio differ, ffmpegGUIwill automatically add a padding.


U can download stable releases from


In Linux/X11 or Mac OS/X, install the latest Qt development packages andget in source tree and run:

qmake (or qmake-qt4, usually in Debian)make (or gmake, if use older GNU command)

Ffmpeg Gui For Mac Os Xfluidrenew

For usage wihtout install then run from the current dir as: './ffmpeg-gui'.

Ffmpeg Gui For Mac Os Xfluidrenew

For install u can made 'make install' but this target are experimental, there's no process to uninstall, files are under DESTDIR variable.


translations and preset are not right handle by instalation, the program only manage the ffmpeg frontend, the ffplay and ffprobe still not.

  • this only acts as command line wrapper for the ffmpeg command transcoder.
  • ffprobe its the media detector, there are plans for implementing.
  • ffplay are a command line player directly using the ffmpeg libs.


  • macros for path's installations and setup of build system
  • translations must use locale system dirs (qt translation are very windose like)
  • version detection tool and combo box loading
  • resizing process fixeds depends on version detected


Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Marco Bavagnoli - lil.deimos@gmail.com


Copyright (C) 2013 PICCORO Lenz McKAY - mckaygerhard@gmail.com

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


1) Hope you enjoy this app and if you have any comment, suggestions or bug report,leave me an email lil.deimos@gmail.com, I will be happy for your support.

Ffmpeg Gui For Mac Os Xfluidrenew

2) (me) For anothers only send mails in text only, to PICCORO's, if u dessire to contribute, the only rule its to support olders releases, ah!, winbuntu users dont mail me ok!

1. Download ffmpeg source code

Open the MAC console, switch to the directory where you want to save the source code, and executegit clone https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.gitCommand to download source code.

2. Enter the ffmpeg directory

The source code is downloaded and executedcd /ffmpegCommand, switch toffmpegUnder the directory, you will see the following.

Ffmpeg Gui For Mac Os Xfluidrenew

Ffmpeg Gui Macos

3. Execute the following commands for compilation and installation

3.1 Configuration of ffmpeg

stayffmpegThe following commands are executed under the directory to configure ffmpeg before compilation.

./configure –prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg –enable-gpl –enable-nonfree –enable-libfdk-aac –enable-libx264 –enable-libx265 –enable-filter=delogo –enable-debug –disable-optimizations –enable-libspeex –enable-videotoolbox –enable-shared –enable-pthreads –enable-version3 –enable-hardcoded-tables –cc=clang –host-cflags= –host-ldflags= –disable-x86asm

Configuration will report errors, this time do not panic, generally lack of libraries, check the error information, what libraries do, usebrew install XXXInstallation is enough.

If an error is reported when configuring, see this article

3.2 Compilation

Once the configuration is successful, it’s time to compile ffmpeg.
In the ffmpeg directory, executemakeThe command is compiled.
Warm hint, this step needs to wait a little longer, patiently wait for compilation to complete before proceeding to the next step.

3.3 Installation of ffmpeg

Ffmpeg Gui Osx

Or in the ffmpeg directory, executesudo make installCommand to install ffmpeg.
After installation, switch to/usr/local/ffmpeg/binDirectory, if bin directory hasffmpegffmplayffprobeThree catalogues. Congratulations, your ffmpeg installation is successful.

Ffmpeg Gui For Mac

Knock on the blackboard!!! Watch out!
If the directory is missingffmplayThat’s because of lackSDL2Libraries, resulting in no compilation ffmplay, this time we need to install sdl2. Execute under ffmpeg directorybrew install sdl2。 After the installation is completed, it is executed again in turn. order.

If/usr/local/ffmpeg/binIn the catalog, you seeffmpegffmplayffprobeThree directories, then the installation is really successful, can open your ffmpeg learning path.