Applying to CEGEP SRAM's CEGEP exploration tool to helps students look into all of the programs that are offered across the province in both public and private colleges. Students can filter their search in many different ways including by pre-requisites, area of study, language of instruction, available sports teams! Sierra-Sacramento Valley Emergency Medical Services Agency EMS Continuing Education Provider: The Cascade Training Center is an approved provider of EMS education by the Sierra-Sacramento Valley Emergency Medical Services Agency CE provider number 65-0506. Not all courses are eligible for SSVEMS CE credit. Digital Learning & Online Textbooks – Cengage. CEGEP is an important economic, social and cultural tool that contributes to community vitality, both in urban centers and in Quebec’s regions. Through general education courses, CEGEP produces critical-thinking citizens who are informed and open minded. Types of Programs Available Attestation of Collegial Studies (AEC) AEC programs are short technical training programs designed for adults.They are developed by the CEGEPs in collaboration with labour market partners to ensure they meet the needs of your current or future employer.
Utilize CECP expertise and proprietary frameworks to advance plans, presentations, and budgets with customized analyses drawing from effective practices, trends, business impact, and unrivaled industry survey data and research on corporate social investments, including:
- Customized benchmarking and analysis in response to company queries based on CECP’s Giving in Numbers, the unrivaled leader in corporate social benchmarking, in partnership with companies, representing 500+ multi-billion dollar companies, 15 years, and $250 billion in corporate social investments.
- Fast-Track Consulting to guide corporate teams in determining benchmarks and excellence in corporate social investment; companies contact CECP staff via with questions at any time with a response within two days to two weeks, depending on scope.
- Long-Term Plan Template guidance through a series of calls and meetings to determine material growth, strategy, and risk issue areas, drawn from CECP’s Strategic Investor Initiative.
- Communications Audits of internal and external communications strategies and assets to amplify the business narrative.
Please contact the Training Center for specific information on what CE/CME is available for the particular course you are interested in taking prior to registration to insure that the credit you are looking for applies to that specific course. The following is a list of continuing education programs offered by or in conjunction with Cascade Training Center Courses:AMA PRA Category 1 Credit (TM) CME Activities:
The Cascade Training Center is accredited by the Washington State Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Providers that complete designated educational activities shall be issued an official CME certificate indicating the maximum number of eligible hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit (TM) for the specified activity. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Each designated activity meets the criteria for a specified number of hours of Category 1 CME to satisfy the relicensure requirements of the Washington State Medical Quality Assurance Commission. The Cascade Training Center may partner with other institutions in joint providership of activities. Contact Cascade's Clinical Operations staff for more information on CME Joint Providership. It is the responsibility of the individual student to verify that their license or certification agency/board or employer will accept this specific type of continuing education for relicensure/recertification.California Board of Registered Nursing Continuing Education Provider:
The Cascade Training Center is a licensed Continuing Education Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing CEP provider number 15214. Individuals completing courses that are CA BRN CEP eligible shall be issued a CEP Certificate. Physical course location requirements do not apply and many states accept CA BRN credits. It is the responsibility of the individual student to verify that their license or certification agency/board or employer will accept CA BRN CE for relicensure.
American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation:
The Cascade Training Center is an approved provider of Emergency Nurses Association TNCC and ENPC courses. The ENA is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation and is recognized as a provider of continuing education in nursing: California Continuing Education Provider #CEP2322. Individuals that participate in Cascade Training Center sponsored TNCC and ENPC courses are issued contact hours by the ENA to BCEN's Category of Clinical. It is the responsibility of the individual student to verify that their license or certification agency/board or employer will accept this specific CE for relicensure/recertification.Dental Board of California Continuing Education Provider:
The Cascade Training Center in accordance with the provisions of Title 16 California Code of Regulations, Section 1016, is an approved Dental Continuing Education Provider permit number RP4937. Individuals completing courses that are eligible for Dental CE shall be issued a CE Certificate. Physical course location requirements do not apply and many states accept Dental Board of California credits. It is the responsibility of the individual student to verify that their license or certification agency/board or employer will accept this specific CE for relicensure.Cegepcollegemac Guidance Services Llc
CAPCE - Commission on Accreditation for Pre-Hospital Continuing Education:
The Cascade Training Center offers CAPCE (formerly CECBEMS) CE credit for EMS professionals through the American Heart Association. Not all American Heart Association Courses are eligible for CAPCE credit. Contact the Training Center for course eligibility. Physical course location requirements do not apply. It is the responsibility of the individual student to verify that their license or certification agency/board or employer will accept this specific CE for relicensure/recertification. Participants must apply for this CE via the Training Center within 30 days of their course and include a valid email address. Upon successful completion of course requirements the CAPCE CE is electronically distributed to students by the American Heart Association.Sierra-Sacramento Valley Emergency Medical Services Agency EMS Continuing Education Provider:
The Cascade Training Center is an approved provider of EMS education by the Sierra-Sacramento Valley Emergency Medical Services Agency CE provider number 65-0506. Not all courses are eligible for SSVEMS CE credit. Contact the Training Center for course eligibility. Physical course location requirements do apply. It is the responsibility of the individual student to verify that their license or certification agency/board or employer will accept this specific CE for relicensure/recertification.
WA State Labor & Industries Electrical Continuing Education Provider:
The Cascade Training Center CPR / First Aid Course has been approved by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries Electrical Programs for Continuing Education Credit (Course ID number: WA2017-237). Participants must request this CE credit upon course registration and a total of 4 credit hours shall be entered into the Trades Education Roster Recording System (TERRS) within 7 days of course completion. Contact the Training Center for specific registration information. CE credit only applies to Washington State Electricians, Administrators, or Master Electricians. It is the responsibility of the individual student to verify that their license or certification agency/board or employer will accept this specific CE for relicensure/recertification.American Academy of Family Physicians CME:

Cegepcollegemac Guidance Services Jobs
The AAFP CME Credit Systems & Compliance Department and the Commission on Continuing Professional Development (COCPD) individually approves Cascade Training Center Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics courses for CME credit. This live activity, ALSO Provider Course has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 15 Prescribed credits by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. AMA/AAFP Equivalency: AAFP Prescribed credit is accepted by the American Medical Association as equivalent to AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ toward the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award. When applying for the AMA PRA, Prescribed credit earned must be reported as Prescribed, not as Category 1. Participants shall be notified that their particular course has been individually approved for CME. It is the responsibility of the individual student to verify that their license or certification agency/board or employer will accept this specific CE for relicensure/recertification.American Academy of Family Physicians Kansas State Board of Nursing:
The Cascade Training Center ALSO (Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics) courses are individually approved by the AAFP for Kansas State Board of Nursing Continuing Education Credit. The American Academy of Family Physicians is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course offering is approved for 18 contact hours applicable for RN, LPN, or LMHT relicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing Provider Number; LT0278-0312. This is an advanced level course and may not be suitable for all general continuing nursing education. Participants shall be notified that their particular course has been individually approved for CE. It is the responsibility of the individual student to verify that their license or certification agency/board or employer will accept this specific CE for relicensure/recertification.Colorado Department of Public Heath and Environment:
The Cascade Training Center is recognized through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Emergency Medical and Trauma Services Branch to provide CE at the EMR, EMT, AEMT, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic levels and has been issued education program #E178. As a recognized EMS education program, our program may offer prehospital-related CE to any EMS provider in the state of Colorado. Contact our Clinical Operations department with any questions regarding CDPHE-accredited CE programs.Online Didactic Programs:
The Cascade Training Center supports multiple online didactic healthcare and lay rescuer programs with skills session certification practicums. Many of these programs include CE/CME upon completion of the online didactic component. Questions about CE/CME eligibility for the online portion should be referred to the organization that produces that portion of the program. For these programs CE/CME certificates will be issued by the online curriculum provider and not the Training Center.Other Continuing Education Information:
The Cascade Training Center attempts to keep the information on this web page as current as possible however; because CE/CME requirements are dynamic and due to the volume of license and certification boards and individual requirements, we strongly encourage interested individuals to check with their licensing or certification board prior to registration to insure that the particular CE/CME applies. Please do not hesitate to contact the Training Center to confirm what CE is available for a particular course however; the Training Center will not guarantee that a particular CE/CME certificate will apply to you individually.