AERMOD View Overview |
Air Pollution Meteorology: AERMOD Installation for Mac & Linux- Quick Guide v1.2 Updated Feb 5th 2016 M. Fung Two options to install AERMOD UNIX like OS, (tested on OSX, Ubuntu). AERMOD version 15181, credits to Enviroware for their blog post, which this guide is based on. PREQUESITES: FORTRAN compiler (OSX/Linux) look at gfortran. For example, AERMOD Parallel, for up to 8 processors, is included in the package at no extra cost! Essential client options such as complete AERMET and PCRAMMET meteorological data preprocessing and multiple pollutant utilities for modeling multiple pollutants in a single AERMOD, ISCST3 or ISC-PRIME run come standard. Air Pollution Meteorology: AERMOD Installation for Mac & Linux- Quick Guide v1.2 Updated Feb 5th 2016 M. Fung Two options to install AERMOD UNIX like OS, (tested on OSX, Ubuntu). AERMOD version 15181, credits to Enviroware for their blog post, which this guide is based on. PREQUESITES: FORTRAN compiler (OSX/Linux) look at gfortran. For example, AERMOD Parallel, for up to 8 processors, is included in the package at no extra cost! Essential client options such as complete AERMET and PCRAMMET meteorological data preprocessing and multiple pollutant utilities for modeling multiple pollutants in a single AERMOD, ISCST3 or ISC-PRIME run come standard.
Software Category: Air Dispersion Modeling
Version 9.9.0: Release Notes
AERMOD View is a complete and powerful air dispersion modeling package which seamlessly incorporates the following popular U.S. EPA air dispersion models into one integrated interface:
These US EPA air dispersion models are used extensively to assess pollution concentration and deposition from a wide variety of sources.
The AMS/EPA Regulatory Model (AERMOD) is the next generation air dispersion model based on planetary boundary layer theory. AERMOD utilizes a similar input and output structure to ISCST3 and shares many of the same features, as well as offering additional features. AERMOD fully incorporates the PRIME building downwash algorithms, advanced depositional parameters, local terrain effects, and advanced meteorological turbulence calculations.
Why Pay for Add-ons that Should be Standard?
We have an extensive list of standard features included with AERMOD View, a list that no other software package comes close to having or only as add-ons that cost you more.
For example, AERMOD Parallel, for up to 8 processors, is included in the package at no extra cost!
Essential client options such as complete AERMET and PCRAMMET meteorological data preprocessing and multiple pollutant utilities for modeling multiple pollutants in a single AERMOD, ISCST3 or ISC-PRIME run come standard. Many more features are also always included at no additional cost.
# Gaussian Plume - simple# R. Stull, 8 Feb 2016, Modified 4 Jul 2018.
# Givens
# meteorology
m = 20. # wind speed (m/s)
zi = 2000. # mixed layer depth (m)
sigma_v = 1.3 # lateral velocity variance (m/s)
sigma_w = 1.02 # vertical velocity variance (m/s)
tl = 60. # Lagrangian time scale (s)

zcl = 150. # plume centerline height (m)
q = 300. # emission rate (g/s)
# domain, assuming origin (x, y, z) = (0,0,0) is a base of smoke stack
xmax = 10000. # x downwind domain size for x = 0 to xmax (m)
ymax = 500. # y crosswind domain size for y = -ymax to +ymax (m)
zmax = 500. # z vertical domain size for z = 0 to zmax (m)
# spatial resolution for calculations of concentration
delx = 200. # x increment (m)
dely = 20. # y increment (m)
Aermod Installation For Mac Os
delz = 20. # z increment(m)# Assignment
# Create contour plots of concentration (µg/m^3)
# using Stull eq.(19.20) with eqs. (19.13) within the domain for:
# a) horizontal (x,y) slice at earth's surface (z = 0)
# b) horizontal (x,y) slice at height of plume centerline (z = zcl).
Aermod Installation For Mac Mojave
# c) vertical along-wind (x,z) slice of thru plume centerline (y = 0)# d) vertical crosswind (y,z) slice at a downwind distance x
# from the stack of
Aermod Installation For Mac Windows 10
xslice = 3000. # x-location of crosswind (y,z) slice (m)Aermod Installation For Mac High Sierra
# Hints:
# Use any computer language; e.g., R, MatLab, python, fortran, excel. (I used R.)
# Use a contour interval of 20 µg/m^3.
# Check that your answer to part (a) is similar to the sample
# application (Solved Example) in Stull p734 before you do the
# other parts. (It won't be exactly equal, because of different
Aermod Installation For Mac Installer
# inputs in this HW assignment.)Aermod Installation For Mac Software
# Turn in your contour plots AND your code.# Please have your name on everything you turn in.