Dmg For Creating Or Modifying Races

Lex returns to his in-depth discussion of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. This week he discusses how to modify a monster and how to create quick monster stats. If you want to make a custom monster for your game, you might be able to make some minor modifications to an existing monster. Lex also shows how you can quickly create a monster of a given CR on-the-fly during play. Finally, this episode lays the groundwork for creating a completely new and unique monster from scratch. Anyone can do this, and Lex walks you through the process. The next episode in this series will go into creating a unique monster from scratch.

Dungeon Master’s Journey is now on Spotify!

If the options for player characters in the Player’s Handbook don’t meet all the needs of your campaign, you can consult Chapter 9 of the DMG: Dungeon Master’s Workshop for advice on creating new race, class, and background options. CREATING A RACE OR SUBRACE This section teaches you how to modify existing races, as well as create new ones. Yesterday I was studying the DMG guidelines for creating new monsters. There are a few issues I've found. Even simple monsters from the MM do not follow these guidelines. Straight-forward creatures like T-rex, fire giants, gnolls, and ogres are off by a few CRs. The HP column seems really. Within these pages are over 70 selected monsters that have been modified from the D&D Monster Manual for 5th edition in an attempt to create usable character races that are balanced, or nearly balanced, with the standard races, while keeping the core of what makes each of these creatures interesting. To create a bootable USB drive from a DMG file on Windows, you will need to have the right utility. That's because DMG is not native on Windows. It is the Mac equivalent of an ISO file that has been in use since Apple transitioned from the IMG format with Mac OS X. A DMG file, like ISO, can be used to install macOS operating system or Mac apps. Todd is looking forward to the challenge his team faces in using all the features of the DMG MORI machines to build the best cars to win races in any future Supercar Challenge series. “If the proposed changes to the format of Supercar racing go ahead, our machine shop and all the other departments will adapt and be ready,” he said.

You can now purchase Game Master's Journey T-shirts and other swag!

Call the Dungeon Master's Journey voice mail: 951-GMJ-LEX1 (951-465-5391).

If you’re a new listener, and you’d like to go back to the beginning, here’s a link to Episode 1.

If you’re interested in worldbuilding and/or Lex’s D&D campaign setting of Primordia, check out the first worldbuilding episode.

Check out Lex's D&D supplement, Adventurers of Primordia.

Helpful Links

Lex’s compilation of Sage Advice segments from the Dragon Talk podcast

Download the Sage Advice Compendium pdf of rules questions & answers and errata.

Lex's Series on the Player's Handbook

Episode 137: PHB Prelude through Chapter 4

Episode 138: PHB Chapter 5 - Equipment

Episode 139: PHB Chapter 6 - Multiclassing & Feats

Episode 140: PHB Chapter 7 - Ability Scores

Episode 142: PHB Chapter 8 - Adventuring part 1

Episode 143: PHB Chapter 8 - Adventuring part 2

Episode 145: PHB Chapter 9 - Combat

Episode 146: PHB Chapter 10 & Appendices - Spellcasting, Conditions & Exhaustion

Lex's Series on the Dungeon Master's Guide

Episode 221: Overview of Rules to Focus on as a DM and Where to Find them

Episode 151: DMG Introduction - Know Your Players

Episode 152: DMG Chapter 1 - A World of Your Own

Episode 154: DMG Chapter 1 - Gods of Your World

Episode 155: DMG Chapter 1 - Developing Gods & Pantheons for Your World

Episode 156: DMG Chapter 1 - Mapping Your World

Episode 158: DMG Chapter 1 - Creating Settlements for Your Campaign

Episode 161: DMG Chapter 1 - Factions & Organizations

Episode 163: DMG Chapter 1 - Magic in Your World

Episode 164: DMG Chapter 1 - Creating Campaigns

Episode 165: DMG Chapter 1 - Creating Campaign Events

Episode 173: DMG Chapter 1 - Play Style & Tiers of Play

Episode 175: DMG Chapter 1 - Flavors of Fantasy

Episode 179: DMG Chapter 2 - Creating a Multiverse

Episode 183: DMG Chapter 2 - The Astral Plane

Episode 200: DMG Chapter 3 - Creating Adventures

Episode 202: DMG Chapter 3 - Creating Encounters

Episode 207: DMG Chapter 3 - Random Encounters

Episode 223: DMG Chapter 4 - Creating Nonplayer Characters

Episode 228: DMG Chapter 5 - Adventure Environments - Dungeons

Episode 232: DMG Chapter 5 - Adventure Environments - Wilderness Part 1

Episode 233: DMG Chapter 5 - Adventure Environments - Wilderness Part 2

Episode 235: DMG Chapter 5 - Adventure Environments - Settlements & Unusual Environments

Episode 239: DMG Chapter 5 - Adventure Environments - Traps

Dmg For Creating Or Modifying Races Near Me

Episode 242: DMG Chapter 6 - Between Adventures - Linking Adventures Together

Episode 256: DMG Chapter 6 - Between Adventures - Downtime Activities

Dmg For Creating Or Modifying Races Against

Episode 257: DMG Chapter 7 - Treasure

Episode 259: DMG Chapter 8 - Running the Game - Table Rules

Episode 260: DMG Chapter 8 - The Role of the Dice

Episode 261: DMG Chapter 8 - Exploration, Social Interaction & Objects

Episode 262: DMG Chapter 8 - Combat, Chases, Diseases, Poisons, Madness & Experience Points

Episode 264: DMG Chapter 9 - Homebrewing Guidelines, Ability Options & Skill Variants

Episode 265: DMG Chapter 9 - Hero Points, Honor & Sanity

Episode 266: DMG Chapter 9 - Fear & Horror, Rest Variants, Plot Points and More!

Episode 269: DMG Chapter 9 - Combat Options - Initiative Variants & Action Options

Episode 270: DMG Chapter 9 - More Combat Options - Hitting Cover, Cleaving, Lingering Injuries, Massive Damage & Morale

Creating a Monster

Modifying a Monster

Dmg for creating or modifying races against

Switching Weapons
Adding a Special Trait


Creating Quick Monster Stats

Step 1: Expected Challenge Rating
Step 2: Basic Stats
Step 3: Adjust Stats
Step 4: Final Challenge Rating

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Music Credits

  • Heaven's Journey by Cloudwalker
  • Heroic Temples by TranceBoy
  • Oceanview by Ish
  • Shine by Renfield
  • Dream Destination by Stenko

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