Animals With Namesoutlander Lists  & Timelines

Have you ever heard the expression, 'a gaggle of geese?' These names for groups of animals are pretty peculiar, too.

Animals with namesoutlander lists   & timelines printable

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1. A shrewdness of apes12. An exaltation of larks
2. A battery of barracudas13. A troop of monkeys
3. A kaleidoscope of butterflies14. A parliament of owls
4. A quiver of cobras15. An ostentation of peacocks
5. A murder of crows16. A rookery of penguins
6. A convocation of eagles17. A prickle of porcupines
7. A charm of finches18. An unkindness of ravens
8. A skulk of foxes19. A shiver of sharks
9. A troubling of goldfish20. A pod of whales
10. A smack of jellyfish21. A descent of woodpeckers
11. A mob of kangaroos22. A zeal of zebras

A troubling of goldfish swims around.
Top 5 Most Intriguing Lists
While you can browse through hundreds of fascinating lists at Extraordinary Lists, here are 5 lists that we feel are certain to amaze and entertain:


Helen Davies, Marjorie Dorfman, Mary Fons, Deborah Hawkins, Martin Hintz, Linnea Lundgren, David Priess, Julia Clark Robinson, Paul Seaburn, Heidi Stevens, and Steve Theunissen



The giant panda is a vulnerable species
The use of love darts by the land snail Monachoides vicinus is a form of sexual selection
Adult silk worm

Animals are multicellulareukaryotic organisms that form the biological kingdomAnimalia. With few exceptions, animals consume organic material, breathe oxygen, are able to move, reproduce sexually, and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the blastula, during embryonic development. Over 1.5 million living animal species have been described—of which around 1 million are insects—but it has been estimated there are over 7 million in total. Animals range in size from 8.5 millionths of a metre to 33.6 metres (110 ft) long and have complex interactions with each other and their environments, forming intricate food webs. The study of animals is called zoology.

Animals may be listed or indexed by many criteria, including taxonomy, status as endangered species, their geographical location, and their portrayal and/or naming in human culture.

By common name[edit]

  • List of animal names (male, female, young, and group)

By aspect[edit]

By domestication[edit]

Water buffalo

By eating behaviour[edit]

By endangered status[edit]

The Andean mountain cat is an endangered species.
  • IUCN Red List endangered species (Animalia)

Animals With Namesoutlander Lists   & Timelines Free

By extinction[edit]

  • List of extinct mammals

By region[edit]

By individual (real or fictional)[edit]


  • List of historical horses
  • List of individual bears
  • List of individual dogs


By taxonomical classification[edit]


The relative number of species contributed to the total by each phylum of animals

The animal Kingdom contains some 35 extant phyla.

Basal animals are delineated according to the following cladogram:

Choanozoa (950)
Animal (760)

Animals: Porifera, Diploblasts

Diploblasts: Ctenophora, ParaHoxozoa

ParaHoxozoa: Placozoa, Cnidaria, Bilateria/Triploblast

Bilateria: Xenacoelomorpha, Nephrozoa

Nephrozoa: Protostomes, Deuterostomes

  • Phylum Proarticulata † Disputed if this is in or out of Bilateria and Phylum Xenacoelomorpha is basal


Animals With Namesoutlander Lists   & Timelines 2020

  • Phylum Chordata
  • Phylum Saccorhytida †
  • Ambulacraria (unranked)
    • Phylum Hemichordata
    • Phylum Echinodermata
    • Phylum Cambroernida †


Animals with namesoutlander lists   & timelines 2020
  • Cycloneuralia (unranked)
    • Scalidophora (unranked)
      • Phylum Kinorhyncha
      • Phylum Loricifera
      • Phylum Priapulida
    • Nematoida (unranked)
      • Phylum Nematoda
      • Phylum Nematomorpha
  • Panarthropoda (unranked)
    • Phylum Onychophora
    • Tactopoda (unranked)
      • Phylum Tardigrada
      • Phylum Arthropoda
  • Gnathifera
    • Phylum Gnathostomulida
    • Phylum Rotifera
  • Mesozoa
    • Phylum Dicyemida
    • Phylum Orthonectida
Animals with namesoutlander lists   & timelines printable
  • Rouphozoa
    • Phylum Gastrotricha
    • Phylum Platyhelminthes
  • Lophotrochozoa
    • Phylum Hyolitha †
    • Phylum Annelida
    • Phylum Brachiopoda
    • Phylum Bryozoa
    • Phylum Cycliophora
    • Phylum Entoprocta
    • Phylum Mollusca
    • Phylum Nemertea
    • Phylum Phoronida





  • List of Testudines families (tortoises, turtles and terrapins)


Wild turkey


  • List of monotremes and marsupials



  • List of families of Diptera (flies)







See also[edit]

  • Outline of zoology – study of animals
Animals with namesoutlander lists   & timelines free


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